Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Awakening From the Battle

My skin has thickened into steel.
My heart pumps without resistance.
My mind is blank.

The steel is the ultimate barrier
to defend against intruders; to caution blows
If a parasite manages to break it's way through sturdy, but damaged wall -
the pump will not be affected.
It is no longer responsive to negative stimuli
It is immune to ill fated behaviour and cruel intentions.
The blank slate serves well for the machine to rest at night.
It cannot replay the vicious attacks;
Nor can it be faced by similar situations.
It is naive to the fact it is frail.
It is unaware that the assumed wall of protection by adaptation
has crumbled in front of her very eyes.
The best she can do is build a new wall -
a wall of sticks and stones held together by tears, hope and worry.
Oh, how wonderful would it be
if only the past stayed in the past
and my thoughts couldn't skin me alive

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